KIDC Command Staff

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KIDC Command Staff

The Command Staff is a team of twelve trusted advisors to whom the Ambassador can turn to when faced with major decisions that have a fundamental importance in how the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps is organized or administered.

The Command Staff is composed of the Ambassador, the Chancellor, the Ambassador's Chief of Staff and any members that the Ambassador might see fit to appoint based on their years of service, loyalty and dedication to the ideals of the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps. These twelve positions are not permanent; if a member of the Command Staff is derelict in his/her duties, then they are retired from the post by the Ambassador, Chancellor or Chief of Staff, or they may request a Personal Leave of Absence.

The members of the Command Staff have demonstrated their desire and dedication to oversee the successful administration and operation of the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps. They each operate and maintain a department, area or sector for the KIDC as ordered by the Ambassador and are required to remain in contact with the Ambassador as to the status of their respective areas.

The current members of the Ambassador's Command Staff are:

1) Chancellor Stalker Zantai Subaiesh
2) Retired Chief of Staff, Commander K'Daq Sutai Kasara
3) Chief of Staff, Lady Ka'Diin Vestai Kasara
4) Assistant Chief of Staff, Qor'etlh valwI'na
5) Captain Lady Katana Vestai Kasara
6) Captain Makin Sutai Cheghjihtah-Kasara
7) Commander K'heyrel Vestai De'Hal-Kasara-BaClar
8) Lieutenant HoS'etlh qultIq Tai Kasara
9) Lieutenant Draq'naH Tai SaqIm

The Ambassador receives her authority from the High Council and the Emperor Kahless II. She is the authorized voice of the Empire on Terra. The Command Staff serves as an advisory group for the Ambassador in areas of KIDC operations, but the Ambassador always has the final authority over command decisions.


Office of the Chief of Staff

The operation of the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps requires a considerable amount of administrative tasks. Since the Ambassador's and the Chancellor's schedules are normally filled with the duties and responsibilities of planning and organizing convention participation, fund-raisers, public appearances, publication of our online newsletters, and member evaluation, much of the administration of the KIDC is entrusted to the Office of the Chief of Staff.

The primary function of the Office of the Chief of Staff is the administration of the KIDC; this includes, but is not limited to:

  • Printing and mailing out KIDC info packs and applications.
  • Printing and mailing out KIDC recruiting fliers
  • Answering questions concerning KIDC (purpose, goals, operation)
  • Advising members on recruiting methods and techniques.
  • Screening questions concerning Klingon heritage, rites, terminology, language, lineage and others, and directing the questioner to the proper source of information.
  • Performing tasks that the Ambassador might request in order to free her schedule:

a) Research
b) Transcribing texts
c) Acquiring pictures and other Klingon related visual aids
d) Writing and phoning individuals to develop diplomatic relations for the benefit of the KIDC
e) Personal correspondence with individuals or groups to convey the Ambassador's opinion or stance on certain issues.

The Chief of Staff does not and cannot command individual members of the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps except within his/her normal position in the chain of command. However, the Chief of Staff does respond as the voice of the Ambassador in matters of KIDC operation. The Chief of Staff has a Personal Assistant whom is dedicated to assist in fulfilling his/her numerous duties.

The Chief of Staff is given the authority to speak for the Ambassador - for this reason, he/she must be in constant contact with the Ambassador and the Chancellor, remain up to date on the policies and goals of the KIDC, and must be profoundly loyal to the Ambassador. Any action by the Chief of Staff that is not authorized by the Ambassador herself will be considered a breach of conduct and result in the removal of the individual in question from the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps and subsequent discommendation within the Klingon Empire.


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