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of Tech.
KIDC are proud supportersof "The
Joy of Tech" website. Visit them for more great comics!
We invite you to visit
our popular "Klingon Imperial Forums", where you can
participate in numerous discussions of Klingon-related topics,
ranging from language and culture, to weaponry, costuming and
even games such as Klingon chess. Feel free to drop by and have
a look around, but you'll need to register (for free) if you'd
like to post or reply to any messages.
Enter the Klingon Imperial Forums
An Intro to the Klingon Empire
This is the official website of the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic
Corps, an international non-profit organization dedicated
to the fostering and promotion of Klingon culture and society
here on Earth. This is the largest and most comprehensive Klingon
Cultural Resource on the Net today with over 225 pages of award-winning
Klingon-related content.
Klingons are not "strange" fans - you would be surprised
to find out how many fans of both Star Trek and Klingon culture
are out there, and from all walks of life. Why else would there
be over a dozen published books and novels and at least 2 computer
games dedicated to the subject? Klingon fans are simply interested
in a futuristic culture that places great import on honour, duty
and loyalty to one's family, ship and empire. Many Klingon fans
do dress up at times, however the majority of Klingons do so
to participate in charity events around the globe; from "Red
Cross" blood drives to fund-raisers for charitable organizations
such as "Make A Wish Foundation", the "Missing
Children's Network", and countless others. By dressing
in original and hand-made works of art, they are able bring more
attention from both the media and from the common folk to the
cause they are promoting.
This section has all kinds of information concerning the KIDC,
an FAQ, departments, ranks, honourifics, and an archive of our news publications.
Introduction and information concerning the various Klingon-related
guilds that the KIDC has established over the years.
This section dedicated to all forms of communication within the Klingon community. You will find our Public Klingon Mailing Lists, our Star Trek Computer Gaming Mailing Lists, numerous online gathering places and our popular Klingon Imperial Forums. There is also our Cyberlinks section, where you can add your own links
to Klingon and Star Trek related websites. Feel free to use our
Klingon Virtual Post Office to send greetings back to
your home planet!
This will be where the vast majority of our Klingon data will
reside; a History of the Klingon Empire, an Introduction
to the Empire and specific sections on Klingon culture to
Klingon family lines and houses, Rituals, Traditions &
Ceremonies to Intergalactic Cuisine. You'll also find
info on Klingon Weaponry and Klingon Costuming
and of course, our popular Who's Who in the Klingon Empire
- a database of notable Klingons.
A gathering of interesting resources; from the KNN: Klingon
News Network to our popular Free Software Library
and an excellent section on Star Trek Book Reviews.
Also upcoming will be our official Klingon Line Registry.
Frequently asked questions concerning the Klingon Imperial
Diplomatic Corps, the Klingon Empire and it's people.
Our official Klingon Imperial Guest Registry is open for your
comments, compliments and suggestions concerning this website.
Be sure to tell us what you think of the new look!
How to contact the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps and it's