Klingon Audio Library
In view of the fact that our library is constantly growing,
we've decided to divide it into several pages in order to speed
up loading time and to better categorize the contents. More sound
bites will be added as they become available.
(If you like a particular sound bite, please download it and
put it on your own server -- DO NOT link directly to it! That
is considered bandwidth theft!)
Quotes From Characters
- Azetbur, Chancellor,
daughter of Gorkon. (ST:VI)
- Chang, General. (ST:VI)
- Duras Sisters, Lursa
& B'Etor.
- Gorkon, Chancellor.
- Gowron, Chancellor.
- Klingon Judge (ST:VI)
- Klaa, Captain.
- Kruge, Commander.
- Maltz, First Officer
for Kruge.
- Martok, General, and
later Chancellor.
- Valkris, Kruge's
- Worf, Commander. Starfleet
Officer and later Ambassador to the Federation.
- Miscellaneous Klingon-related
- Quotes from Miscellaneous