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The House of Subaiesh

House Subaiesh is a Major Family Line in the Klingon Empire or Komerex. The Subaiesh have been attempting to make changes within the Komerex for the last decade. By pursuading the Klingon Fusion Houses to form an Alliance for the good of all, they have managed to secure a fair degree of political power within the Komerex. (see The Kasara Alliance)

The Subaiesh are leading a growing movement for improved relations with the Federation, which most Imperial family lines have vehemently opposed, despite the initiation of the formation of a Grand Alliance with the United Federation of Planets. Having survived the initial political backlash of their peace efforts, the Subaiesh are determined to place as many of their line members as possible in the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps, whatever it costs. From a strong position there, the line hopes to gain sufficient clout to put their plan into operation.

House Subaiesh is a member of the Kasara Family Alliance; which is a formal alliance through treaties and consortships of over a half dozen influential family lines in the Empire. These family lines are pro-Federation and pro-GrandAlliance and use their powerful influences in many aspects of the Klingon Empire to follow through on their plans.

Despite their desire for peaceful coexistence with the Federation, Subaiesh commanders are not above occasionally raiding Federation outposts in the Triangle Zone. Such actions are consistent with Klingon concepts of perpetual conflict and also serve to refute the charges that they are soft of the UFP.


House Composition

House Subaiesh is an extended family line composed of 65% Klingon/Human Fusions and 35% Klingon/Romulan Fusions. There are approximatly 22,000 members of the Subaiesh line throughout the Empire who follow Admiral Kemarrin Epetai Subaiesh as their current House Leader. There are estimated to be several dozen Subaiesh presently located on Terra. House Subaiesh members can be identified by two parallel scars two centimeters long somewhere on the line member's person.


House Leadership

The current Terran Head of House is the Chancellor Stalker Zantai Subaiesh of the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps. All members of House Subaiesh who are not already registered with the Head of House are requested to contact the Chancellor so that a member listing can be compiled; he can be contacted at the following subspace coordinates:

House Subaiesh Headquarters
205 Vinet Avenue
Dorval, Quebec
Canada H9S 2M5



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