Klingon Language Resources
If you are interested in studying the Klingon Language, we
have assembled an assortment of helpful linguistic resources
that may aid you in your noble quest.
- Klingon
Language Discussions mailing list
Established in 1999 by the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps,
to serve as a meeting place for novice level students to discuss
topics related to the Klingon language and it's usage. Questions
and discussion are aimed primarily at the beginner's level, although
we encourage more experienced speakers to share their expertise
and knowledge with others. We welcome Klingons of all affiliations,
groups and clubs to participate, and only ask that they remain
friendly, supportive and helpful to each other with no bad-mouthing
or politics. This list currently has 110 members.
- Klingon Imperial
Forums - Language Section
Our popular new forums have a section dedicated entirely discussions
about the Klingon language, both in English and tlhIngan Hol.
You may also post requests for translations here for others to
help you with.
- Klingon
Postal Course
Created by Dave Barron and intended as a supplement to The
Klingon Dictionary, the Postal Course introduces students
to the vocabulary and grammar of tlhIngan Hol (Klingon
language), building comprehension and familiarity as they progress
through an eleven-lesson series. Also offered as a set of downloadable
PDF files.
- Klingon "Word of the Day"
This is a private annoucement-only mailing list overseen by d'Armond
Speers, which offers a new Klingon word of the day, as well as
some comments on it's usage, canon or not. You can subscribe
to this list by sending a blank email to: kwotd-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
There is also an
archive of past words, that can be accessed via the list's
site on Yahoo.
- Klingon Language Certification Program
Designed to recognize KLI members for their achievements in learning
Klingon. The program defines four levels of certification, from
Beginner (taghwI') to Grammarian (pab pIn). Certification
is awarded based upon performance on written tests, administered
by representatives of the KLI. Testing is available for free
to all active KLI members. The goals of the KLCP are:
1. Officially recognize members for their skills
with the language
2. Encourage members in their study of Klingon
3. Define a graded program for learning Klingon
4. Provide credentials for Linguistics Officers (HolpIn)
for fan clubs
5. Support the KLI by encouraging membership
For more information regarding this program, please contact
the Klingon Language Institute.
- Klingon
Language Prefix Chart Practice
Another excellent resource by d'Armond Speers, where you can
type in the prefixes, and get feedback on how well you did. You
can also keep track of your progress over time.
- tlhIngan
Hol pojwI' is a word processing environment for
the Klingonist. It provides a Klingon lexicon and thesaurus;
a full-featured Klingon/English search utility (useful as a rhyming
dictionary); Klingon morphology analysis (now much improved!);
tlhIngan Hol spell checking; support for pIqaD
; language lessons, complete with tests; an integrated canon
database utility; a Klingon chatterbot, for when there are no
other Klingons around to talk to; and much more!
- tlhIngan-Hol
Mailing List
This KLI email discussion forum has been the site of many healthy
debates and interchanges. It is an excellent learning tool for
students of all levels. There are always new students beginning,
and even some more advanced speakers actually conversing entirely
in Klingon, all interacting. Keep in mind that this list is quite
heavy in traffic and is considered somewhat "strict"
by some novices.