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Book Review: Star Trek #37: The Next Generation: The Last Stand

Written by Brad Ferguson
Pocket Books, $5.99US/$7.99Can
274 pages

This novel, if it was written in any other genre, could stand an excellent chance of being one of the most controversial of the year. In many ways it is an interesting treatise on the "victim mentality" which, it is said, is sweeping most of the 'Big Seven' nations.

The Enterprise-D is on a standard patrol when they encounter a society that seem to be 'ripe' for first contact. Once on the planet they find the inhabitants to be under attack from a massive armada of sub-light vessels who seem intent on destroying all of the inhabitants of the planet.

The novel has as many twists and turns and convolutions as a good mystery novel. We jump around, at least conversationally, in time from the 'present' to the distant past. All during this, Picard is attempting to act a mediator between the peaceful inhabitants of the planet and the fleet of destroyers.

The differences between the two new races portrayed in this novel are quite extreme. The government of Nem Ma'ak Bratuna is gentle and benevolent. They only wish to be left in peace. The Krann, on the other hand, are brutal and warlike. It seems the only reason for them to continue to live is to find and destroy all of the Bratuna. The reasons behind the attack are straight forward, as they have been behind everyone of the previous attacks. However, to explain it here would be telling.

This is one of the most thought provoking novels to come from the Star Trek line in many years. It rates a 9/10 on the ol' Makin scale.


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