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Book Review: Star Trek #5: Voyager: Incident at Arbuk

Written by John Gregory Betancourt
Pocket Books, $5.99US/ $7.99 Can
214 pages

At first glance, this novel appears to be the obligatory retelling of the Doomsday Machine. After further reading it turns out to be something else, and something less. The V'ger stumbles upon an immense cone that has the ability to emit a burst of tremendous power. Also in the system are two space habitats, one still in the process of being created, the other partially destroyed. Evidence would seem to indicate that the damaged one was hit by a burst from the object under scrutiny.

What follows is an attempt by the crew to understand the machine they have stumbled upon and the society that built it. Neither of which they do with any great success. Once again, it might have been an idea if Pocket had brought in a writer that had, at least, watched a few episodes. The speech and mannerisms do not match well with the characters we see on the screen and the plotting and pacing of the novel are stilted at best.

On the Makin Scale this drek gets 2/10.


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